Tag Archive: Gareth Stevens

Posters, Marches, and Change: Letting young voices be heard


Since the 1960s, protesters have used their rights to speak freely and to assemble, guaranteed by the First Amendment, by marching in Washington, D.C. and across the country. Of the five largest protests… Continue reading

Firefighters & Fire Safety


We have a fire station about two blocks from our house. When my boys were little, we occasionally walked to the fire station, hoping to see a firefighter or at least peek through… Continue reading

Researching Invasive Species


As a kid, I used to spend my summers outside at my grandparents’ country home. I would spend hours crouched in the dirt watching the fascinating lives of insects. I loved anthills, and… Continue reading

Sweet, Sweet Smile


Dental hygiene and taking care of our teeth is so important.  However, it is often overlooked until a problem arises.  Here are some titles to get kids thinking about their teeth: https://spark.adobe.com/page/wpCod1Ir5W3Uy/  … Continue reading

The Sound Of Music


Titles to improve music literacy through classroom and school library collections… https://spark.adobe.com/page/F8Qd37zcgdomG/ Zach K.

Get Ready for the Total Solar Eclipse!


This year’s total solar eclipse on August 21 is a big deal! It will be the first time a total solar eclipse has occurred from coast to coast in the United States since… Continue reading

The Write Way


Without great writing, the types of quality titles that Mackin and other book publishers/sellers put out on a consistent basis would not exist. As such, this Spark Post looks at the importance of… Continue reading

The Truth Is In Here…


A look at the “X-Files: Origins” YA series, as well as some other fun paranormal/supernatural offerings… Zach K.

Bios: The Ones Your Students WANT To Read!


https://spark.adobe.com/page-embed.js https://spark.adobe.com/page/qAXQ1AM0zbkUJ/ Zach K.



Recently, I have been fascinated by the television show “Westworld”, which describes a future world where robotics & artificial intelligence have advanced to the point of making the cybernetic beings indistinguishable from the… Continue reading