Category Archive: Nonfiction

Grown-Up Books for Summer Reading


Ah, summer! School’s over, and all of you who work in schools—teachers, librarians, media specialists, principals, counselors—have months of free time ahead of you!  Except for doing inventory, prepping for next year, and… Continue reading

50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing Celebrated through Books


July 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing and many new books have been published for children on the subject. My son and I have been previewing the advanced reading copies and came up with a list of our favorites.

Following the Wildebeest: Guest Post by Sy Montgomery


We are excited to welcome Sy Montgomery as our guest author today. For her most recent book, The Magnificent Migration : On Safari with Africa’s Last Great Herds, she actually traveled to Africa… Continue reading

Focus on Transgender Pride


Yesterday was Mother’s Day. I am so lucky to have two remarkable children. I love them and they love me, they love each other, and we all enjoy each other’s company. And now… Continue reading

Series Review: Human Body Helpers


The human body is wonderful and complex! There are so many different systems that work together to keep our bodies functioning at their peaks. However, sometimes our bodies need a little help. The new series Human Body Helpers looks at what happens when four different parts of our body aren’t working at their best: eyes, teeth, legs/bones, and ears.

Nonfiction Children’s Books: Women In Science


When I took my 12-year-old son to the sports medicine doctor for a check-up on his broken ankle, Max was told he had to continue to wear the boot another 10 days. On the car ride home, my son said “Mom, why didn’t you schedule the appointment with a woman doctor? Women doctors seem to know more. That guy doesn’t know that my ankle is healed and I don’t need to wear the boot anymore.” I smiled at him with agreement and said “Yes! Sometimes women do know more than men.” In honor of Women’s History Month, here are several books about women in science that will inspire the children in your life.

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It STOP!


Much of the northern United States is getting pretty sick of winter. In the Minneapolis area, where I live, this month has been not only the snowiest February on record, but the sixth… Continue reading

Fun and Unusual Cookbooks


Thanks to our Publisher partners for making this post possible! Trying to get kids more interested in your non-fiction section?  The cookbook area isn’t often a section that you would think has a… Continue reading



Gross things are always perennial favorites for kids… and adults. Stiff : the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach was the first nonfiction book I read as an adult that delved… Continue reading

Tracey’s 2018 Favorite Nonfiction


One of my t-shirts declares: “I read too many books to believe what I am told.” I bought it because I thought it was funny, but in all seriousness, I love learning about… Continue reading